Unforgettable Moments of Holding Your Hand Poem

Unforgettable Moments of Holding Your Hand Poem by Levi Sap Nei Thang

Unforgettable Moments of Holding Your Hand Poem By Levi Sap Nei Thang


Your hand is a masterpiece, a work of art
With fingers so elegant, they stole my heart
When I touch your hands, my spirit is set free
They’re smaller than mine, but they mean the world to me.


Touching your hands, holding your fingers tight
So gentle, I couldn’t bear to let go tonight
Your hands are adorable; I long to caress
And hold them firmly, never to regress.


In my grasp, our fingers intertwine.
A connection so strong it feels truly divine
I could hold back, but how could I resist?
To kiss those hands, ah, that’s the sweetest bliss.


Even while driving, I won’t let go
Let your hands feel my heartbeat, let it show
Holding you close in my tender embrace
Your hands in my arms, finding their place.


These hands, like petals, delicate yet strong
Through joy and sorrow, they’ve carried me along
They touch my soul with every gentle stroke
In your hands, my love, I’ve finally found hope.


Holding your hands is my ultimate goal
To cherish and protect, make you feel whole
Together, our hands will conquer any strife
Connected forever, our love intertwines for life.


Your hands speak a language all their own
Telling a story of love yet unknown
So let them guide me wherever we may roam
With these hands, we’ll build a loving home.


Touching your hands, a melodious rhyme
So gentle, your touch stands the test of time
Your adorable hands ignite my heart
Holding hands, we’ll conquer any plight.


So let our hands dance through life’s grand affair
In your hands, my love, I find solace and care
With every touch, every grip, we’ll never falter
For holding your beautiful hands is my lifelong altar.

Levi Sap Nei Thang

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